Thibault Datry

thibault datry

Researcher Director

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Research areas

Freshwater Ecology


Community Ecology

Intermittent Rivers

Hyporheic Zones

I’m a freshwater scientist at Inrae, leading the EcoFlowS lab, in Lyon, France. My research focuses on the ecohydrology of rivers and hyporheic zones, with particular emphasis on intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. I am passionate about understanding the effects of natural and anthropogenic changes on community and ecosystem processes at multiple scales and translating it into tools and guidelines for water managers. I am developing international research programs at the global scale, while my primary study area primarily includes lotic and lentic ecosystems in France, New Zealand and Bolivia, where I have active collaborations and frequent visits. In the past 15 years, I published over 95 peer-reviewed papers, several book chapters on stream and groundwater ecology and edited with 2 colleagues the first book on the science and management of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (at Elsevier). I serve on editorial boards of three international journals, organized two Special Issues and more than fifteen Special Sessions on intermittent river ecology management at international conferences. A few years ago, I led IRBAS (Intermittent River Biodiversity Analysis and Synthesis), an international research program exploring biodiversity patterns in intermittent rivers at the global scale, and am currently Chair of SMIRES (Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams), a pluri-disciplinary European research program bringing together > 300 scientists from 31 European countries. I am coordinating the 1000 Intermittent Rivers network and the DRYvER H2020 research action on drying river networks.

Areas of expertise

  • Freshwater ecology
  • Climate change
  • Intermittent rivers and ephemeral steams
  • Hyporheic zones
  • Metacommunities
  • Ecohydrology
  • Science communication
  • Biostatistics
  • Water resources
  • Freshwater management



Messager, L.M., Lehner, B., Cockburn, C., Lamouroux N., Pella, H., Snelder, T., Tockner, K., Trautman, T., Watt, C., & Datry T. 2021. Global prevalence of non-perennial rivers and streams. Nature, in press.,

Cid N, Erős T, Heino J, Singer G, Jähnig SC, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Bonada N,Sarremejane R, Mykrä H, Sandin L, Paloniemi R, Varumo L, & Datry T. 2021. From meta-system theory to the sustainable management of rivers in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, In press.

Fovet O., Belemtougri A., Boithias L., Braud I., Charlier J. B., Cottet, M. … & Datry T. 2021. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: Perspectives for critical zone science and research on socio‐ecosystems. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 8(4), e1523.

Blackman RC, Altermatt F, Foulquier A, Lefébure T, Gauthier M, Bouchez A, Stubbington R, Weigand AM, Leese F & Datry T.  2021. Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic tools. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, in press.

Tramblay, Y., Rutkowska, A., Sauquet, E., Sefton, C., Laaha, G., Osuch, M., … & Datry, T. 2021. Trends in flow intermittence for European rivers. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66, 1-13.

Gauthier M., Goff G. L., Launay B., Douady C. J., & Datry, T. 2021. Dispersal limitation by structures is more important than intermittent drying effects for metacommunity dynamics in a highly fragmented river network. Freshwater Science, 40(2), 000-000.

Vander Vorste, R. Stubbington, R., Acuña, V., Bogan, M., Bonada N., Cid, N.,Datry, T., Storey, R., Wood, P. & Ruhi, A. 2021. Climatic aridity increases temporal nestedness of invertebrate communities in naturally drying rivers. Ecography 10.1111/ecog.05349.


Fortesa, J., Ricci, G. F., García-Comendador, J., Gentile, F., Estrany, J., Sauquet, E., Datry T. & De Girolamo, A. M. 2020. Analysing hydrological and sediment transport regime in two Mediterranean intermittent rivers. Catena, 196, 104865.

Hammond, J. C., Zimmer, M., Shanafield, M., Kaiser, K., Godsey, S. E., Mims, M. C., Datry T.,… & Allen, D. C. 2021. Spatial patterns and drivers of non‐perennial flow regimes in the contiguous US. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020GL090794.

Zimmer M.A., Kaiser K., Blaszczak J., Zipper S., Hammond J., Fritz K., Costigan K., Hosen J., Godsey S., Allen G., Kampf S., Burrows R., Krabbenhoft C., Dodds W., Hale R., Olden J., Shanafield M., DelVecchia A., Ward A., Mims M., Datry T., Bogan M., Boersma K., Busch M., Jones C., Burgin A., Allen D.. 2020. Zero or not? Causes and consequences of zero-flow stream gage readings. WIREs Water, 7(5), e1473.

Keller, P., Catalán N., von Schiller D., Grossart H.-P , Koschorreck M., Obrador B., Frassl M.A.,  Karakaya N., Barros N., Howitt J.A.,Mendoza-Lera C., Pastor A., Flaim G., Aben R., Riis T., Arce M. I., Onandia G., Paranaíba J., Linkhorst A., del Campo R., Amado A.M., Cauvy S., Brothers S., Condon J., Mendonça R., Reverey F., Rõõm E.-I, Datry T., Roland F., Laas A., Obertegger U., Park J.-H., Wang H., Kosten S., Goméz R., Feijoó C., Elosegi A., Sanchez-Montoya M., Finlayson C. M., Melita M., Oliveira Junior E. S., Muniz C. C., Gómez-Gener L., Leigh C., Zhang Q., and Marcé R 2020. Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems. Nature Communication 11, 2126 (2020).

Shanafield, M., Godsey S., Datry T., Hale R., Zipper S.C., Costigan K., Krabbenhoft C.A., Dodds W.K., Zimmer M., Allen D.C., Bogan M., Kaiser K.E., Burrows R.M., Hammond J.C., Bush M., Kampf S., Mims, M.C., Burgin AM. Olden J. 2020. Science gets up to speed on dry rivers, Eos, 101,

Cid N., Bonada N., Heino J., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Crabot J., Sarremejane R., Soininen J, Stubbington R, Datry T. 2020. A Metacommunity Approach to Improve Biological Assessments in Highly Dynamic Freshwater Ecosystems. BioScience 70(5); 427–438,

Acuña V., Jorda-Capdevila D. Vezza P., De Girolamo AM., McClain M., Stubbington R., Pastor A., Lamouroux N., von Schiller D., Munné A., Datry T. 2020. Accounting for flow intermittency in environmental flows design. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(4), 742-753.

Jabot F., Laroche F., Massol F., Arthaud F., Crabot J., Dubart M., Blanchet S., Munoz F., David P., and Datry T. 2020. Assessing metacommunity processes through signatures in spatiotemporal turnover of community composition. Ecology Letters 23(9), 1330-1339,

Gauthier M, Launay B, Pella H, Douady C, and Datry T. 2020. Drying alter metacommunity dynamics across multiple river networks. Freshwater Biology 65(2), 2169-2185.

Datry T, Allen DC, and 15 co-authors 2020. River ecosystem conceptual models and non-perennial rivers: A critical review. WIRES Water, 7(5), e1473,

Busch MH, Costigan K, Fritz KM, Datry T., et al 2020. What’s in a name? Patterns and trends in the definition of non-perennial rivers and streams. Water 12(7), 1980. 10.3390/w12071980

Crabot J, Polášek M, Launay B, Pařil P, Datry T 2020. Drying in newly intermittent rivers leads to higher variability of invertebrate communities. Freshwater Biology 2020;00:1–15.


Stubbington, R., Paillex, A., England, J., Barthès, A., Bouchez, A., Rimet, F., … & Datry, T. 2019. A comparison of biotic groups as dry-phase indicators of ecological quality in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Ecological Indicators, 97, 165-174.

Shumilova, O., Zarfl, D., Datry T., et al. 2019. Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Global Change Biology 25(5), 1591-1611.

Van Looy, K., Tonkin, J., Floury M, Leigh, C., Soininen J., Larsen S., Heino, J.,  Poff, NL. Delong, M., Jähnig, S.C., Datry, T. et al. 2019. The three Rs of river ecosystem resilience: Resources, Recruitment and Refugia. River Research and Applications 35(2), 107-120.

Crabot, J., Clappe, S., Dray, S., & Datry, T. 2019. Testing the Mantel statistic with a spatially‐constrained permutation procedure. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(4), 532-540.

Bruno, D., Belmar, O., Maire, A., Morel, A., Dumont B. & T. Datry, 2019. Structural and functional responses of invertebrate communities to climate change and flow regulation in alpine catchments. Global Change Biology 25(5), 1612-1628.

Kelleher, C., Ward, A., Knapp, J. L., Blaen, P. J., Kurz, M. J., Drummond, J. D., Datry, T., Lewandsosky, J. & Krause S. (2019). Exploring Tracer Information and Model Framework Trade‐offs to Improve Estimation of Streamz Transient Storage Processes. Water Resources Research 55(4), 3481-3501.

Paril P., Polasek M., Loskotova B., Straka M., Crabot J. and Datry T. (2019). An unexpected source of invertebrate community recovery in intermittent streams from a humid continental climate. Freshwater Biology, 64:1971-1983.

Tolonen K.E., Picazo F., Vilmi A., Stubbington R., Paril P., Datry T & Heino J. (2019). Parallels and contrasts between intermittently freezing and drying streams: from individual adaptations to biodiversity variation. Freshwater Biology 64:1679-1691.

Stubbington R., Sarremejane R. & Datry T. (2019). Alpha and beta diversity of connected surface–subsurface invertebrate communities respond to drying in dynamic river ecosystems. Ecography, 42(12), 2060-2073.

Chanut P.C., Datry T., Gabbud C., & Robinson C.T. (2019). Direct and indirect effects of flood regime on macroinvertebrate assemblages in a floodplain riverscape. Ecohydrology, e2095.

Straka M., Polasek M., Sytovatka V., Stubbington R., Zahradokova S., Nemejcova D., Sikulova L., Reznickova P., Opatrilova L., Datry T., Paril P. (2019). Recognition of stream drying based on benthic invertebrates: a new tool in Central Europe. Ecological Indicators, DOI 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105486

Mendoza‐Lera C., Ribot M.,  Foulquier A., Martí E.,  Bonnineau C., Breil P., Datry T. (2019).  Exploring the role of hydraulic conductivity on the contribution of the hyporheic zone to in‐stream nitrogen uptake. Ecohydrology, in press.

Von Schiller D., Datry T. et al. 2019. Sediment Respiration Pulses in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33:1251-1263

Crabot J, Heino J, Datry T. 2019. Drying determines the temporal dynamics of stream invertebrate structural and functional beta diversity. Ecography 43:620-635.

Gauthier M., Konecny-Dupré L., Nguyen A., Elbrecht V., Datry T., Douady C.J., & Lefébure T. (2019). Enhancing DNA metabarcoding performance and applicability with bait capture enrichment and DNA from conservative ethanol. Molecular Ecology Resources 20, 79-20.

Borg Galea, A., Sadler, J. P., Hannah, D. M., Datry, T., & Dugdale, S. J. (2019). Mediterranean intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: Challenges in monitoring complexity. Ecohydrology, 12(8), e2149.


Blaen, P. J., Kurz, M. J., Drummond, J. D., Knapp, J. L., Mendoza‐Lera, C., Schmadel, N. M., Datry, T.,  & Ward, A. S. 2018. Woody debris is related to reach‐scale hotspots of lowland stream ecosystem respiration under baseflow conditions. Ecohydrology, e1952.

Datry, T., et al (92 co-authors) 2018. A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways. Nature Geoscience 11, 497-503.

Beaufort, A., Lamouroux, N., Pella, H., Datry, T., & Sauquet, E. 2018. Extrapolating regional probability of drying of headwater streams using discrete observations and gauging networks. HESS. 0.5194/hess-22-3033-2018

Marshall, J.C., V. Acuña, D.C. Allen, N. Bonada, A.J. Boulton, S.M. Carlson, C.N. Dahm, T., Datry, C. Leigh, P. Negus, J.S. Richardson, S. Sabater, A. L. Steward, R. Stubbington, K. Tockner, R. Vander Vorste 2018. Protecting US river health by maintaining the legal status of temporary waterways. Science, e, 361(6405), 856-857.

Arce, M. I., Mendoza-Lera, C., Almagro, M., Catalán, N., Romaní, A. M., Martí, E., Datry T., … & Marcé, R. 2018. A conceptual framework for understanding the biogeochemistry of dry riverbeds through the lens of soil science. Earth-Science Reviews 55(4), 3481-3501.


Skoulikidis N.T., Sabater S., Datry T., Morais M.M., Buffagni A., Dörflinger G.,  Zogaris S., del Mar Sánchez-Montoya M., Bonada N., Kalogianni E., Rosado J., De Girolamo A.M., Tockner K.. Non-perennial Mediterranean rivers in Europe: Status, pressures, and challenges for research and management. Science of the Total Environment, 577, 1-18.

Mendoza-Lera C. & Datry T., 2017. Relating hydraulic conductivity and hyporheic zone biogeochemical processing to conserve and restore river ecosystem services. Science of the Total Environment 579, 1815-1821.

Datry T., Vander Vorste R., Goïtia E., Moya N., Campero M., Rodriguez F., Zubieta J., Oberdorff T. (2017) Context dependent resistance of freshwater invertebrate communities to drying. Ecology and Evolution, 7(9), 3201-3211

Ruhí A., Datry T., Sabo J. L. 2017. Interpreting beta‐diversity components over time to conserve metacommunities in highly dynamic ecosystems. Conservation Biology, 31(6), 1459-1468.

Soria, M.; Leigh, C.; Datry, T.; Bini, M. & Bonada, N. 2017. Biodiversity in intermittent rivers: a meta-analysis. Oikos 126(8), 1078-1089.

Datry T., Boulton A.J., Bonada N., Fritz K., Leigh C., Sauquet E., Hugueny B., Tockner K., Dahm C.D. 2017. Flow intermittence and ecosystem services in non-perennial rivers of the Anthropocene. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(1), 353-364.

Heino J., Alahuhta J., Antikainen H., Bini L.M., Bonada N., Datry T., Hjort J., Kotavaara O., Melo A.S., Soininen J. 2017. Organisms on the move: integrating novel dispersal proxies in freshwater bioassessment, conservation and management research. Environmental Reviews 25(3), 334-349

Rosset V., Ruhi A., Bogan M.T., Datry T. 2017. Parallels and contrasts in biotic responses to drying between lotic and lentic temporary freshwater systems. Ecosphere 8(7).

Stubbington R., Chadd R., Cid N., Csabai Z., Milisa M., Morais M., Munné A., Paril P., Pesic V., Tziortzis I., Verdonschot R.C.M., Datry T. 2017. Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments. Science of the Total Environment 618, 1096-1113.

Folegot S., Krause S., Mons R. Hannah D.M., Datry T. 2017. Mesocosm experiments reveal the direction of groundwater-surface water exchange alters the hyporheic refuge capacity under warming scenarios. Freshwater Biology 63(2), 165-177.

Datry, T., Singer, G., Sauquet, E., Jorda-Capdevila, D., Von Schiller, D., Subbington, R., … & Alves, M. H. 2017. Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (SMIRES). Research Ideas and Outcomes, 3, e21774


Datry T., Bonada N., Heino J. 2016. Towards understanding metacommunity organisation in highly dynamic systems. Oikos 125(2): 149-159.

Datry, T., Fritz, K., & Leigh, C. (2016). Challenges, developments and perspectives in intermittent river ecology. Freshwater Biology, 61(8), 1171-1180.

Leigh C., Bonada N., Boulton A.J., Hugueny B., Larned S., Vander Vorste R., Datry T., 2015. Invertebrate community responses and the dual roles of resistance and resilience to drying in intermittent rivers. Aquatic Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00027-015-0427-2

Datry T., Melo A.S., Moya N.B., Zubieta J., De la Barra E., Oberdorff T. Metacommunity patterns across three Neotropical catchments with varying environmental harshness. Freshwater Biology 61, 277-292.

Datry T, Moya N.B., Zubieta J., Oberdorff T. Determinants of local and regional communities in intermittent and perennial headwaters of the Bolivian Amazon. Freshwater Biology 61, 1335-1349.

Corti R. & Datry T. 2016. Terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates in the riverbed of an intermittent river: parallels and contrasts in community organisation. Freshwater Biology 61, 1308-1320.

Vander Vorste, R. F. Mermillod-Blondin, F. Hervant, R. Mons and T. Datry. Accepted. Gammarus pulex avoids both increasing water temperature and intraspecific competition through vertical migration into the hyporheic zone: results from a mesocosm experiment. Aquatic Sciences 79(1), 45-55.

Vander Vorste, R. F. Mermillod-Blondin, F. Hervant, R. Mons and T. Datry. Accepted. Increased water table depth during river drying decreases the resilience of Gammarus pulex and alters ecosystem function. Ecohydrology 9(7), 1177-1186.

Stewardson M., Datry T., Lamouroux N, Pella H., Thommeret N., Valette L., Grant S.B. 2016. Variation in reach-scale hydraulic conductivity of streambeds. Geomorphology 259, 70-80.

Leigh C., Datry T. 2016. Drying as a primary hydrological determinant of biodiversity in river systems: a broad scale analysis. Ecography 40(4), 487-499.

Datry T., Corti R., Foulquier A., Von Schiller D., Tockner T., 2016. One for all, all for one: a global river research network. EOS Earth & Space Science News, 97(15): 13-15.

Schmadel, N. M., Ward, A. S., Kurz, M. J., Fleckenstein, J. H., Zarnetske, J. P., Hannah, D. M., Datry T., … & Knapp, J. L. 2016. Stream solute tracer timescales changing with discharge and reach length confound process interpretation. Water Resources Research, 52(4), 3227-3245.

Pesic V., Smit H. Datry T. 2016. A redescription of Protolimnesia longa Besch, 1963 from Bolivia, with the first description of the female (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Limnesiidae) Zootaxa 4121(1), 81-84.

Abbott B.W., Baranov V., Mendoza-Lera C., Nikolakopoulou M, Harjung A. Kolbe T., Balasubramanian M.N., Vaessen T.N., Ciocca F., Campeau A., Wallin M., Romeijn P., Antonelli M., Gonçalves J. Datry T., Laverman A.M., de Dreuzy J.R., Hannah D.M., Krause S., Oldham C., Pinay G. 2016. Using multi-tracer inference to move beyond single-catchment. Earth Science Reviews 160, 19-42.

Leigh C., Laporte B., Bonada N., Fritz K., Pella H., Sauquet E., Tockner K. and Datry T., 2016. IRBAS: An online database to collate, analyze, and synthesize data on the biodiversity and ecology of intermittent rivers worldwide. Ecology and Evolution 7(3), 815-823.


Vander Vorste R., Corti R., Sagouis A., Datry T. 2015. Invertebrate communities in gravel-bed, braided rivers are highly resilient to flow intermittence. Freshwater Science 35(1): 167-177.

Foulquier A., Pesce S., Artigas J., Datry T. 2015. Drying responses of microbial litter decomposition and associated fungal and bacterial communities are not affected by emersion frequency. Freshwater Sciences 34(4), 1233-1244.

Datry T., Pella H., Leigh C., Bonada N., Hugueny B., 2015. A landscape approach to advance intermittent river ecology. Freshwater Biology 61, 1065-1076.

Leigh C., Boulton A.J., Courtwright J.L., Fritz K., May C.L., Walker R.H., Datry T., 2015. Ecological research on intermittent rivers: an historical review and future directions. Freshwater Biology 61: 1181-1199

Vander Vorste R., Malard F., Datry T., 2015. Is drift the primary process promoting the resilience of river invertebrate communities? A manipulative field experiment in an alluvial, intermittent river. Freshwater Biology 61: 1276-1292


Descloux S., Datry T., Usseglio-Polaterra P. 2014. Trait-based structure of invertebrates along a gradient of sediment colmation: benthos versus hyporheos responses. Science of The Total Environment 466: 265-276.

Corti R.,  Datry T., 2014. Drying of a temperate, intermittent river has little effect on adjacent riparian arthropod communities. Freshwater Biology 59(4): 666-678.

Datry, T., Corti R., Belletti B., Piégay H. 2014. Ground-dwelling arthropod communities across braided river landscape mosaics: a Mediterranean perspective. Freshwater Biology 59(6), 1308-1322.

Datry T., Larned S.T., Fritz K.F., Bogan M.T., Wood P., Meyer E., Santos A. 2014. Broad-scale patterns of invertebrate richness and community composition in temporary rivers: effect of flow intermittence. Ecography 37(1), 94-104.

Datry, T., Lamouroux, N., Thivin, G., Descloux, S., Baudoin, JM. 2014. Estimation of sediment hydraulic conductivity in river reaches and its potential use to evaluate streambed clogging. River Research & Applications 10.1002/rra.2784

Descloux S., Datry T., Usseglio-Polaterra P. 2014. Trait-based structure of invertebrates along a gradient of sediment colmation: benthos versus hyporheos responses. Science of the Total Environment 466-467:265-276.

Acuña V., Datry T., Marshall J., Dahm C.N., Ginebrela A., McGregor G., Sabater S., Tockner K., Palmer M.A. 2014. Why Should We Care about Temporary Waterways? Science 343, March 2014, 1080-108.

Datry, T., Larned S.T., Tockner K. 2014. Intermittent rivers: a challenge for freshwater ecology. BioScience 64 (3): 229-235.


Stubbington R., Datry T. 2013. The macroinvertebrate seedbank promotes community persistence in temporary rivers across climate zones. Freshwater Biology 58(6):1202-1220.

Corti R., Larned S., Datry T. 2013. Pitfall traps and quadrat searches for sampling ground-dwelling invertebrates in dry riverbeds. Hydrobiologia 717(1): 13-26.

Capderrey C., Datry T., Douady C., Claret C., Malard F. 2013. Invertebrate distribution across nested geomorphic features in braided-river landscapes Freshwater Science 32(4): 1188-1204.

Larned S.T., Datry T. 2013. Flow variability and longitudinal patterns in parafluvial water chemistry, aquatic invertebrates and microbial activity. Freshwater Biology 58(10): 2126-2143.

Nogaro G., Datry T., Mermillod‐Blondin F., Foulquier A., Montuelle B. 2013. Influence of hyporheic zone characteristics on the structure and activity of microbial assemblages. Freshwater Biology 58(12): 2567-2583.

Descloux S., Datry T., Marmonier P. 2013. Benthic and hyporheic assemblages along a gradient of increasing sediment colmation by fine sediment. Aquatic Sciences 75:493-507.

Snelder T.H., Datry T., Lamouroux N., Larned S., Pella H., Sauquet E., Catalogne C. 2013. Characterization of regional patterns of flow intermittence from gauging station records. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 17: 2685–2699.


Corti R., Datry T. 2012. Invertebrate and sestonic matter in an advancing wetted front travelling down a dry riverbed (Albarine, France). Freshwater Science 31(4):1187-1201.

Datry T., Corti R., Philippe M. 2012. Spatial and temporal aquatic-terrestrial transitions in the temporary Albarine River, France: responses of invertebrates to experimental rewetting. Freshwater Biology 57(4): 716-727.

Datry T., 2012. Benthic and hyporheic invertebrate assemblages along a flow intermittence gradient: effects of duration of dry events. Freshwater Biology 57(3): 563-574.

Marmonier P., Archambaud G., Belaidi N., Bougon N., Breil P., Chauvet E., Claret C., Cornut J., Datry T., Dole-Olivier M.-J., Dumont B., Flipo N., Foulquier A., Gérino M., Guilpart A., Julien F., Maazouzi C., Martin D., Mermillod-Blondin F., Montuelle B., Namour Ph., Navel S., Ombredane D., Pelte T., Piscart C., Pusch M., Stroffek S., Robertson A., Sanchez-Pérez J.- M., Sauvage S., Taleb A., Wantzen M., Vervier Ph. 2012. The role of organisms in hyporheic processes: gaps in current knowledge, needs for future research and applications. International Journal of Limnology 48(3): 253-266.


Datry T., Arscott D.B., Sabater S. 2011. Recent Perspective on temporary river ecology. Aquatic Sciences 73(4): 453-457.

Corti, R., Datry, T., Drummond, L., & Larned, S. T. 2011. Natural variation in immersion and emersion affects breakdown and invertebrate colonization of leaf litter in a temporary river. Aquatic Sciences, 73(4), 537-550.

Datry T., Corti R., Claret C., Philippe M. 2011. Leaf litter decomposition along a gradient of flow permanence in a French temporary river: the memory of drying. Aquatic Sciences 73(4): 471-483.

Larned S.T., Schmidt J., Datry T., Konrad C.P., Dumas J.L., Diettrich J.C. 2011. Longitudinal ecohydrology: flow variation down the lengths of alluvial rivers. Ecohydrology 4(4): 532-548.


Descloux S., Datry T., Philippe M., Marmonier P. 2010. Comparison of Different Techniques to Assess Surface and Subsurface Streambed Colmation with Fine Sediments). International Review of Hydrobiology 95: 520–540.

Pesic V., Smit H., Datry T. 2010. New records of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Halacaroidea) from Patagonia (Chile). Systematic & Applied Acarology 15:151–160.

Pesic V., Smit H., Datry T. 2010. Water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the hyporheic waters of the Selwyn River (New Zealand), with descriptions of nine new species. Zootaxa 2355: 1–34.

Boulton A., Datry T., Kasahara T., Mutz M., Stanford J. 2010. Stream-groundwater interactions in the hyporheic zone:  ecohydrology, management and restoration. Journal of the North Benthological Society 29(1):26–40.

Nogaro G., Datry T., Mermillod-Blondin F., Montuelle B. 2010. Influence of streambed sediment clogging on microbial processes in the hyporheic zone. Freshwater Biology 55: 1288–1302.

Datry T., Lafont M., Larned S. 2010. Oligochaete assemblages along a flow permanence gradient in a New Zealand intermittent river. Aquatic Sciences 72(3): 335-346.

Larned S.T.,  Datry T., Arscott D.R., Tockner K.  2010.  Emerging concepts in temporary-river ecology. Freshwater Biology 55: 717–738.


Kasahara, T., Datry, T., Mutz, M., & Boulton, A. J. (2009). Treating causes not symptoms: restoration of surface–groundwater interactions in rivers. Marine and freshwater research, 60(9), 976-981


Datry T., Scarsbrook M.R., Larned S.T., Fenwick G. 2008. Lateral and longitudinal patterns within the stygoscape of New Zealand alluvial river. Archiv für Hydrobiologie-Fundamental & Applied Limnology 171(4): 335-347.

Datry T., Larned S.T. 2008. River flow controls ecological processes and invertebrate assemblages in subsurface flowpaths of an ephemeral river reach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 65(8): 1532-1544.

Datry T., M.J. Dole-Olivier, P. Marmonier, C. Claret, J.F. Perrin, M. Lafont, Breil P. 2008. La zone hyporhéique, une composante à ne pas négliger dans l’état des lieux et la restauration des cours d’eau. Ingéniérie EAT 54, 3-18.

Kasahara, T., Datry, T., Mutz, M., & Boulton, A. J. 2009. Treating causes not symptoms: restoration of surface–groundwater interactions in rivers. Marine and freshwater research, 60(9), 976-981.


Larned S.T., Datry T., Robinson C.T. 2007. Invertebrate and microbial responses to inundation in an ephemeral river: effects of preceding dry periods. Aquatic Sciences 69: 554-567.

Datry T., Larned S.T., Scarsbrook M.R. 2007. Responses of hyporheic invertebrate assemblages to large-scale variation in flow permanence and surface-subsurface exchange. Freshwater Biology 52: 1452:1462.


Mermillod-Blondin, F., Nogaro, G., Datry T., Malard F., Gibert J. 2005. Do tubificids worms influence the fate of organic matter and pollutants in stormwater sediments? Environmental Pollution 134(1): 57-69.

Datry T., Malard F., Bouger G. Gibert J.  2005. Self purification of urban rainwater run-off in infiltration basins. Hydrosciences 28, 57-62.

Malard F., Datry T., Gibert J. 2005. Subsurface sediment contamination during borehole drilling with an air-actuated down hole hammer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 79 (3-4): 156-164.

Datry T., Malard F., Gibert J. 2005. Response of invertebrate assemblages to increased groundwater recharge rates in a phreatic aquifer. Journal of The North American Benthological Society 24(3): 461-477.


Datry T., Malard F., Gibert J. 2004. Dynamics of solutes and dissolved oxygen in shallow urban groundwater below a stormwater infiltration basin. Science of The Total Environment 329 (1-3): 212-229.


Datry T., Hervant F., Malard F., Vitry L., Gibert J. 2003. Dynamics and adaptive responses of invertebrates to suboxia in contaminated sediments of a stormwater infiltration basin. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 156 (3): 339-359.

Datry T., Malard F., Vitry L., Hervant F., Gibert J. 2003. Solutes dynamics in the bed sediments of a stormwater infiltration basin. Journal of Hydrology 273: 217-233.

Datry T., Malard F., Niedereitter R., Gibert J. 2003. Video logging for examining biogenic structures in deep heterogeneous subsurface sedimentsComptes-rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Biologie 326 (6): 589-597.



Datry T., Stubbington R. 2021. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Inland Waters, 2nd Edition, Eds K Tockner and T Mehner. Elsevier, 45p

Del Campo R., Singer G. & Datry T., 2020. Lead decomposition in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Leaf litter decomposition atlas, Swan C., Boyero L., Canhoto C. (Eds), Wiley, 50p.

Vander Vorste, R., Sarremejane, R., Datry, T., 2020. Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: A Unique Biome With Important Contributions to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. In: Goldstein, M.I., DellaSala, D.A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes, vol. 4. Elsevier, pp. 419–429.

Stubington R, Bogan MT, Bonada N, Boulton AJ, Datry T, Leigh C, Vander Vorste R 2018. The biota of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: aquatic invertebrates. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Costigan C., Boulton A.J., Sauquet E, Kennard M, Leigh C, Dahm CN, Datry T 2018 Flow regimes of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Bonada, N., Carlson, S., Datry, T. Finn, D., Hugueny, B. Leigh, C., Lytle, D.A., Monaghan, M.T. & Tedesco, P. 2018. Genetic, evolutinary and biogeographical processes in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. . In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

 Datry T., Corti R., Heino J., Rolls R., Ruhi A., Hugueny B. 2018. Habitat fragmentation, metapopulation and metacommunity dynamics in intermittent rivers. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Koundouri P., Souliatis I.,Boulton A.J., Datry T. 2018. Ecosystem value and social perceptions of intermittent rivers. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Boulton A.J., Jaeger K., Olden J. Datry T. 2018. Hydrological gradients in intermittent rivers. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Steward, A.L., Langhans S., Corti R., Datry T. 2018. Terrestrial invertebrates in intermittent rivers. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Bogan M.T., Robson B., Chester E., Datry T. 2018. Dispersal, recolonization and desiccation-resistance in intermittent rivers. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Sheldon F., Bonada N., Datry T., Fritz K., Tockner K., Warfe D. 2018. Conceptual models of functional organization and ecosystem processes in intermittent rivers. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Datry, T.., Bonada, N., Boulton, A.J. 2018. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: ecology and management: an introduction. In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Datry, T.., Bonada, N., Boulton, A.J. 2018. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: ecology and management: where to from here? In Datry T, Bonada N, Boulton AJ (Eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier. 622p.

Datry T. 2016. Ecological effects of flow intermittence in gravel bed rivers. In : Tsutsumi D. and Laronne J (eds). Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes and Disasters. Wiley, in press.

Datry T., Malard F., Gibert J. 2006. Effect of artificial stormwater infiltration on urban groundwater ecosystems. In: Sustainable development of urban groundwater systems, J.H. Tellam, Rivett M.O., Israfilov, R.G. (Eds) NATO-ASI Book, pp331-345

Malard F., Datry T. 2004 The use of multilevel wells and multiparameters loggers for monitoring groundwater quality below stormwater infiltration basins. In GRAIE (Ed.), Sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management, Novatech 2001, Delta Imprimerie, Lyon, France, Pages 713-720.




Stéphane Descloux (Co-sup. P. Marmonier). Effect of streambed sediment clogging on the compositon and structure of hyporheic invertebrate communities. University of Lyon 1, 2008-2011.

Roland Corti. Ecological successions of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate in intermittent rivers. University of Lyon 1. 2010-2013.

Ross Vander Vorste. Resistance and resilience of communities in intermittent alluvial rivers. University of Lyon 1, 2012-2015.

Pierre Chanut (codirection C Robinson). Ecohydrology of an alpine floodplain. EAWAG, 2015-2019.

Maïlys Gauthier (codirection C Douady, LEHNA).. A molecular perspective to study metacommunities in dynamic ecosystems. University of Lyon 1, 2016-.

Julie Crabot. Dynamic fragmentation and biodiversity in space and time. University of Lyon 1, 2016-.2019.

Héloïse Verdier (CIFFRE, codirection T Lefebure LEHNA). Development of passive DNA captor for the bioindication of intermittent rivers and groundwaters. University of Lyon 1, 2019-.

Laura Kergoat (codirection C Bonnineau, INRAE). Coupling physical and chemical stress in the hyporheic zone. University of Lyon 1, 2020-.

Mathis Messager (cotutelle B Lehner, McGill University). Implementation of eflows in intermittent rivers : conceptual and practical aspects. University of Lyon 1, 2020-.

Chunyan Quin (codirection Janjung Wang, Nanging University). Biomonitoring of Chinese rivers: state of the art. Nanging University, 2020-

Marie Hebert (codirection F Arthaud, USMB). Changement climatique et biodiversité des mares temporaires d’altitude. University Lyon 1, 2020-

Teresa Silverthorn (codirection V. Chanudet, EDF-CIH). Green House Gases emission from fragmented river networks. University of Lyon 1. 2020-

Barthelemy Nans (codirection F. Mermillod, Univ Lyon 1, S Krause, Univ Birmingham). Fate and ecological effects of micro-plastics in intermittent rivers. University of Lyon 1. 2020-



Géraldine Nogaro (Co-sup. B. Montuelle). Determining microbiological indicators and descriptors of hyporheic clogging. 2007-2008

Catherine Leigh. Intermittent river biodiversity: analysis and synthesis. 2012-2015

Oscar Belmar (Co-sup. B. Dumont). Climate change effects on invertebrate communities of alpine streams. 2012-2014.

Clara Mendoza-Lera. Hyporheic clogging, surface-groundwater interactions and nutrient processes in rivers. 2015-2017.

Daniel Bruno-Collados. Responses of alpine aquatic communities to climate change. 2016-2017.

Nuria Cid (Make Our Planet Great Again). A metacommunity perspective to monitor river health. 2018-2021.

Romain Sarremejane (MSCA MetaDryNet). Drying river networks – Understanding and mitigating drought impacts on river ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. 2020-

Amélie Truchy. A European-wide citizen science effort to map and monitor drying river networks. 2021-



Editor board of Freshwater Sciences (2007-), Freshwater Biology (2018-), Journal of Applied Ecology (2020-)


Main research grants

 SourceMontant (KE)
2009ONEMA, AERM&C60, 70
2013AERM&C, FRB120, 180
2016ONEMA, COST350, 600
2017Carnot, AE RM&C, ANR40, 210, 30
2019H2020 RIA DRYvER67 000
2020MSCA Marie Curie Incoming285