Statistical hydraulic habitat models and theoretical hydrographic network

For Habitat Models, we recommend using the more flexible versions included in the platform HABBY


 Here is a link to the simplified R package:  Stathabmod R package

  • Includes Stathab, Stathab_steep, FSTress, Estimhab (run the examples in function documentations)
  • Statistical habitat models: download the english documentation
  • Statistical habitat models: download the french documentation

Here is a link to the former excel version (non-updated): Estimhab


For the theoretical hydrographic network (RHT)


French theoretical hydrographic network and its environmental characteristics : RHT

The ZIP archive is password-protected. To obtain the password, please contact directly, giving your contact details and the reason for your request. Access to the archive is free, but we collect requests for information purposes.

The conditions of use apply to the RHT only.

The conditions of use are :
1- to have access to the data used to calculate the environmental attributes, which are derived from licensed geographic layers (BD Alti from IGN and Normales Aurhely from Météo-France).

2- In order to inform people about the rules of use and citation and to trace the origin of the network, we would like the data to be distributed via the website.

Please do not distribute the archive but rather the website address