Nicolas Lamouroux

Hervé Capra and I, surveying fish in the Allier River

INRAE Lyon, Research Director (DREX),

Director RiverLy Research unit (~140 persons)

Co-president LTSER_Rhône (ZABR, grouping 23 Research units)





Research areas

Development, test and transfer of hydraulic habitat models predicting the biological impacts of flow management in streams. Models apply at the reach and at the catchment scales. Statistical habitat models and software are currently used by consultants for defining environmental flows, in France and elsewhere.

International comparisons of relations between the biological traits of communities (fish, macro-invertebrates) and the physical habitat in streams.

Long-term tests of the effects of physical restoration of rivers on aquatic communities (e.g. Rhône River restoration;


Special Issues edition

Special Issue Anthropocene, 2024, (Piégay H., Cottet M., Lamouroux N.,
Simon L.)
River corridors of the Anthropocene era: from socio-hydrosystem
understanding to Nature-Based Solutions

Special Issue Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2021, (Packman A.I., Robinson
C.T., Lamouroux N. )
Hydraulic drivers of populations, communities and ecosystem processes

Special Issue River Research and Applications, 2020, (Piégay H., Cottet
M., Lamouroux N.)
Innovative approaches in river management and restoration.

Special Issue Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, (Piégay H.,
Lamouroux N.)
Enlarging spatial and temporal scales for riverine biophysical diagnosis
and adaptive management.

Special Issue River Research and Applications: 2017 (Harby A., Lamouroux
N., Martinez-Capel F.)
Ecohydraulics: from microhabitats to catchment management.

Special Issue, Freshwater Biology, 2015 (Lamouroux N. , Gore J.A.,
Lepori F., Statzner B.)
Towards a predictive restoration ecology: a case study of the French
Rhône River



PhDs & post-docs

Juliette Becquet (2019-2022, co-supervision S. Cauvy Fraunié) Irstea RiverLy and Tereo consultants (Cifre grant). Ecological impacts of hydrologic alterations in Alpine catchments.

Clarisse Judes (2017-2020, co-supervision H. Capra et V. Gouraud) Irstea et Electricité de France (Cifre grant). In situ community responses to hydropeaking.

Maxime Morel (2016-2019, co-supevision F. Gob), Intercontinental modeling of reach-scale hydraulic geometry and ecological implications.

Sophie Cauvy-Fraunié (Post-doc 2015-2017), Irstea and EDF, Symbolic analyses of fish-environment time series.

Laura Plichard (PhD 2016-2018, co-supervision H. Capra), AFB and Irstea, University Lyon 1. Revisiting multivariate fish habitat preferences.

Victor Bret (PhD 2012-2015, co-supervision H. Capra), EDF and Irstea, University Lyon 1. Hierarchical modeling of brown trout population dynamics in multiple reaches with different environmental characteristics (temperature, hydraulics).

Virginie Girard (PhD 2009-2012), Irstea, University Lyon 1 and Asconit-Consultants (Cifre grant). Statistical habitat models for the management of insular tropical rivers and steep alpine rivers.

Julien Bergé (PhD 2008-2012, co-supervision H. Capra), Irstea and University Lyon 1 (Irstea grant). Habitats and fish behavior in a hydrologically and thermally disturbed fluvial system, the Rhône.

Lise Vaudor (PhD 2007-2011), Irstea -Lyon and University Lyon 1 (Irstea grant). Statistical distributions of population abundance in ecology, estimated from small-sized samples.

Aurélie Blanck (PhD 2003-2007), Irstea -Lyon and University Lyon 1 (Irstea grant). Variability in life history traits of European freshwater fish, on different spatial scales and biological levels (population and species).

Franck Cattanéo (PhD 1998-2002), Irstea -Lyon and University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse (CEMAGREF grant). Influence of hydrology on fish populations and assemblages: myths and facts.


Some projects


Statistical habitat software: Estimhab, Stathab, Fstress, Estimkart

Rhône restoration: coordination of scientific monitoring

Rhone River Restoration: visit the Freshwater Biology Special Issue