
12 July 2024

By: HC

PostDoctoral Position in Ecohydrology

(18 months, Lyon, France)

04 March 2024

By: HC

Postdoctoral position

Two year postdoctoral position in modeling the effects of ecological restoration and global change on freshwater macroinvertebrate communities on the Rhône River

26 May 2023

By: SW

Intermittent rivers: Illustration from the Albarine River, Ain.

VIDEO : Naturally intermittent rivers are suffering this year too: excessively long/extensive dry spells, refuges in very poor condition (temperatures/algae/nutrients): have tipping points been crossed this summer ?

26 May 2023

By: SW

TIGRE project

TIGRE project

26 May 2023

By: SW

ALTER-Net High Impact Action

This video is a product of the ALTER-Net High Impact Action entitled “From meta-system theory to the sustainable, adaptive management of rivers in the Anthropocene”.

01 March 2022

Ain river

Rhithrogena semicolorata – early spring emergent on Ain river (03/2022)

Rhithrogena semicolorata

01 July 2020


Bernhard Statzner

Bernhard Statzner