Freshwater Ecologist
RiverLy, EcoFlowS
Tel: (+33) 4 72 20 87 96
Email : maria.alp at
ORCID ID : 0000-0003-4295-6361
Key research topics and activities
Human impact on freshwater ecosystems
Animal dispersal and recruitment in stream network
- Landscape connectivity for aquatic and terrestrial life stages of aquatic organisms
- Population genetics (fish, macroinvertebrates) of stream populations
- Emergence of life history bottlenecks for freshwater species with complex life cycles (aquatic insects, migratory fish)
Functional ecology
- Cross-ecosystem links (subsidy ecology)
- Stable isotope use in evaluating human impact on freshwater food webs
Restoration ecology: combining social and ecological goals
- Socio-ecological effects of river connectivity restoration
- Knowledge transfer from research to practitioners
Student supervision
Master students
Emmanuel Jaulin, 2021 (Université de Rennes I) From emergence to oviposition of mayflies: Description of the oviposition behaviour and assessment of dispersal distances.
Emilie Mauduit, 2019 (Université de Poitiers) Spatio-temporal patterns of mobility of resident river trout, Salmo trutta fario: combination of telemetric and genetic data.
Alexia Mustarda, 2018 (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I) Analyse de viabilité des populations: construction d’un modèle de dynamique de populations de truites dans un cours d’eau pyrénéen.
Doctoral theses
Emmanuel Jaulin, 2022-2024 (University Lyon I) Looking at early stages of aquatic organisms to improve our understanding of ecological effects of hydropeaking.
Other responsibilities
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Parc National de Forêts
- Co-coordinator of the Ecological Restoration network within INRAE
- Reviewer for: Freshwater Biology, Aquatic Sciences, Aquatic Ecology, Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Diversity and Distributions, The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Limnologica, Biotropica, Ecology, Molecular Ecology, PeerJ, Frontiers in Environmental Science
- Project evaluation for the Czech Science Foundation
Peer-reviewed publications
Alp, M., Batalla, R.J., Bejarano, M.D., Boavida, I., Capra, H., Carolli, M., Casas-Mulet, R., Costa, M. J., Halleraker, J.H., Hauer, C., Hayes, D.S., Harby, A., Noack, M., Palau, A., Schneider, M., Schönfelder, L., Tonolla, D., Vanzo, D., Venus, T., Vericat, D., Zolezzi, G., & Bruno, M.C. (2022). Introducing HyPeak: An international network on hydropeaking research, practice, and policy. River Research and Applications, 1– 9.
Alp, M., & Cucherousset, J. (2021). Food webs speak of human impact: Using stable isotope-based tools to measure ecological consequences of environmental change. Food Webs, e00218.
Downes, B. J., Peckarsky, B. L., Lancaster, J., Bovill, W. D., & Alp, M. (2021). From insects to frogs, egg–juvenile recruitment can have persistent effects on population sizes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 52.
Sarremejane, R., Cid Puey, N., Datry, T., Stubbington, R., Alp, M., Cañedo-Arguelles, Cordero-Rivera, M.A., Csabai, Z., Gutierrez Canovas, C., Heino, J., Forcellini, M., Millan, A., Paillex, A., Paril, P., Polasek, M., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Usseglio-Polatera, P., Zamora-Muñoz, C., Bonada, N. (2020) DISPERSE: A trait database to assess the dispersal potential of aquatic macroinvertebrates.
Alp, M., Le Pichon C. (2020) Getting from sea to nurseries: considering tidal dynamics of juvenile habitat distribution and connectivity in a highly-modified estuarine riverscape. Ecosystems.
Alp, M., Cucherousset, J., Buoro, M., Lecerf, A. (2016) Phenological response of a key ecosystem function to biological invasion. Ecology Letters, 19(5), 519-527.
Kaboré I., O. Moog, M. Alp, W. Guenda, T. Koblinger, K. Mano, A. Ouéda, Ouédraogo R., D. Trauner and A.H. Melcher. (2016) Using macro-invertebrates for ecosystem health assessment in semi-arid streams of Burkina Faso. Hydrobiologia, 766(1), 57-74.
Larsen S. & Alp M. (2015) Ecological thresholds and riparian wetlands: an overview for environmental managers. Limnology, 16 (1), 1-9.
Pauls, S.U., Alp, M., Balint, M., Bernabo, P., Čiampor, F., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová,Z., Finn, D., Kohout, J., Leese, F., Lencioni, V., Paz-Vinas, I. & Monaghan, M.T. (2014) Integrating molecular tools into freshwater ecology: developments and opportunities. Freshwater Biology, 59: 1559–1576.
Alp M., Peckarsky, B.L., Bernasconi, S.M., Robinson C.T. (2013) Shifts in isotopic signatures of animals with complex life-cycles can complicate conclusions on cross-boundary trophic links. Aquatic Sciences, 75(4): 595-606.
Alp, M., Indermaur, L., Robinson, C.T. (2013) Environmental constraints on oviposition of aquatic invertebrates with contrasting life cycles in two human-modified streams. Freshwater Biology, 58: 1932-1945.
Alp M., Westram A.M., Keller, I., Robinson C.T. (2012): How river structure and biological traits influence gene flow: a population genetic study on two stream invertebrates with differing dispersal capacity. Freshwater Biology, 57 (5), 969-981.
Gostner W., Alp M., Schleiss A., Robinson C.T. (2012): A new hydro-morphological index of diversity for assessing the physical potential for river health. Hydrobiologia, 712(1): 43-60.
Alp M. (2011) Integrating terrestrial stages of aquatic insects into studies of dispersal and recruitment in streams. PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich.
Reports and publications without peer-review process (in German/French)
Le Pichon C., Alp, M. (2018) Projet ANACONDHA « Analyse spatiale de la connectivité des habitats fonctionnels pour les poissons à l’échelle de l’estuaire ». Rapport de recherche du programme Seine Aval 5.
Alp M., Karpati T., Werth S., Gostner W., Scheidegger C., Peter A. (2011): Erhaltung und Förderung der Biodiversität von Fliessgewässern. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 103 (3), 216-223.
Werth, S., Weibel, D., Alp, M., Junker, J., Karpati, T., Peter, A. & Scheidegger, C. (2011) Lebensraumverbund Fliessgewässer: Die Bedeutung der Vernetzung. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 103 (3), 224-234.
Recueil des fiches sur l’aménagement et l’écologie des cours d’eau (2012) Office fédéral de l’environnement OFEV, Berne, Suisse (FRA) / Merkblatt-Sammlung Wasserbau und Ökologie, Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern, Schweiz (DE).
Werth, S., Alp, M., Karpati, T., Gostner W., Scheidegger, C., Peter, A. (2012) Fiche 2: Biodiversität in Fliessgewässern / Merkblatt 2: Biodiversité dans les cours d’eau.
Werth, S., Alp, M., Junker, J., Karpati, T., Weibel D., Peter, A., Scheidegger, C. (2012): Fiche 4: Connectivité des cours d’eau / Merkblatt 4: Vernetzung von Fliessgewässern.