Amelie Truchy





Research areas

My research aims at understanding how global change can affect communities, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem service delivery in freshwater ecosystems. I am particularly interested in 1) identifying the environmental factors that are into play, 2) getting a mechanistical understanding of the factors regulating ecosystem functioning and 3) assessing the risks on the provision of ecosystem services. I work with field-based experiments as well as laboratory experiments. In my research, I apply and develop a species trait framework and, I bring in concepts from spatial ecology and resilience theory. I am also really into citizen science and networking.











On-going Projects:

DRYvER: ​Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem services in DRYing riVER networks

– Microplastics in freshwater foodwebs: Evaluating properties, fates and individual-ecosystem level impacts​

CROSSLINK: Understanding cross-habitat linkages between blue and green infrastructure to optimize management of biodiversity, ecosystem services and multiple human uses

– DISTRESS: DisEntangling the impacts of multiple Stressors on stream ecosystems.

WATERS: studying the impacts of agriculture, forest management and hydropower dams on stream communities and ecosystem functioning.

SMIRES: Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams



On-going PhD-Students:

– Ze Hui Kong  (assistant supervisor): Microplastics in freshwater foodwebs

Past Master students:

– Anna Taskinen: The effects of drought and connectivity to freshwater benthic fauna (2015).

– Maisam Ali: Assessment of changes in algal biomass accrual and leaf decomposition along a gradient of increasing agricultural disturbance (2013-14)



I graduated from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Uppsala) in 2018. My PhD project was on Ecosystem functioning in Streams under Pressure.

I got my Master degree in Ecology, Evolution, Biodiversity and Biometry from Lyon University (France) in 2011. I did my Master Thesis at Uppsala University working on phenotypic responses of Perch (Perca fluviatilis) to environmental changes and on predator-prey interactions in aquatic ecosystems.

I used to work as a lab and research assistant (SLU and Uppsala University) and as a study leader in a consulting and engineering office in France.


Selected publications

Truchy, A, Sarremejane, R, Muotka, T, Mykrä, M, Angeler, DG, Lehosmaa, K, Huusko, A, Johnson, RK, Sponseller, RA, McKie BG. Habitat patchiness, ecological connectivity and the uneven recovery of boreal stream ecosystems from an experimental drought. Global Change Biology. 2020; 26: 3455– 3472.

Truchy, A., Göthe, E., Angeler, D.G., Ecke, F., Sponseller, R.A., Bundschuh, M., Johnson, R.K., McKie, B.G.. Partitioning spatial, environmental and community drivers of ecosystem functioning. Landscape Ecology, 34,  2371–2384

Truchy, A., Angeler, D. G., Sponseller, R. A., Johnson, R. K., & McKie, B. G. (2015). Chapter Two-Linking Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Services, and Ecological Resilience: Towards an Integrative Framework for Improved Management. Advances in Ecological Research, 53, 55-96.

Sargac, J; Johnson, RK.; Burdon, FJ.; Truchy, A; Rîşnoveanu, G; Goethals, P; McKie, BG. 2021. Forested Riparian Buffers Change the Taxonomic and Functional Composition of Stream Invertebrate Communities in Agricultural Catchments. Water 13, no. 8: 1028

Sarremejane, R, Truchy, A, McKie, BG, Mykrä, H, Johnson, RK, Huusko, A, Sponseller, RA, Muotka, T. Stochastic processes and ecological connectivity drive stream invertebrate community responses to short‐term drought. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2021; 00: 1– 13.

Kaletova, T., Loures, L., Castanho, R., Aydin, E., Gama, J., Loures, A., Truchy, A.. Relevance of Intermittent Rivers and Streams in Agricultural Landscape and Their Impact on Provided Ecosystem Services—A Mediterranean Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16, 2693 (Special issue on Ecosystem Services).

Ecke, F., Levanoni, O., Audet, J., Carlson, P.E., Eklöv, K., Hartman, G., McKie, B.G., Ledesma J.L.J., Segersten, J., Truchy, A., Futter, M.N.. Meta-analysis of environmental effects of beaver in relation to artificial dams, Environmental Research Letters, 2017, Volume 12.

Truchy, A. Ecosystem functioning in streams under pressure – Understanding the roles of biotic, abiotic and spatial drivers. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, 1652-6880. (PhD thesis)